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If you find yourself struggling with a double-chin you are not alone. Stemming from a result of genetics, weight fluctuation or aging the condition affects thousands of individuals nationwide. Fortunately, there is now an answer. Board Certified Doctor of Aesthetic Medicine Dr. Gail Humble can successfully destroy excess fat around the jowl and chin region through a series of Kybella injections. The FDA-approved 20 minute treatment option is a non-invasive way to successfully remove submental fullness with impressive efficiency and quick recovery time. Dr. Humble is proud to be one of the only Kybella injectable providers in the California area. Her skill, extensive training and technique allow her the ability to provide you with a thinner and more youthful appearance after your Kybella treatment.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a cytolytic drug, which when injected into fat tissue, physically destroys fat cells under the chin. This revolutionary treatment is utilized by Dr. Humble to safely and effectively eradicate the double chin without risks associated with invasive surgery. The powerful shots serve to eliminate moderate to severe subcutaneous fat, allowing the doctor to provide you with a more naturally contoured chin and more slender jawline.

Through a series of injections, Dr. Humble gently administers the Deoxycholic Acid formula of Kybella, which the body easily absorbs and employs to breakdown and flush out fat cells. Kybella targets and destroys individual fat cells, while maintaining the safety of surrounding tissue. We find that Kybella is a safer alternative to traditional liposuction. Our patients experience optimal results in the form of a lifted chin/neck-line following a series of three treatments.

How Kybella is Performed

At our office, your comfort during the Kybella treatment is of top importance. Our clinical team will numb the submental area in preparation for the procedure. Next, Dr. Humble administers a series of precise injections directly into the fat beneath your chin. Treatment sessions generally require thirty minutes of your time and are dispersed in a series of tiny injections. In less than an hour, Dr. Humble can successfully re-contour your jawline and dissolve fat with impressive results and minimal complications.

Following treatment you may experience slight swelling or bruising which should subside within a day of your procedure. Though there is no downtime associated with Kybella, we recommend you refrain from exercise for 24 hours to maintain optimal recovery. The number of treatments you require is based on your desired aesthetic outcome. Prior to your treatment Dr. Humble will discuss options with you to best meet your expectations.

Benefits of Kybella compared to Liposuction

  • Minimally invasive fat-removal method with zero downtime
  • Permanent solution for double-chin
  • Naturally improves your appearance and profile
  • The procedure is quick and relatively painless
  • May be combined with skin tightening treatments

Why Choose Dr. Gail Humble

Board Certified Doctor of Aesthetic Medicine Dr. Gail Humble is highly qualified in the technique of administering Kybella Injections to contour the face. If you would like to discuss submental fat-removal treatment options we encourage you to schedule a consultation to learn more about the procedure and how it can best serve your concerns.

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